Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Run from the rain/Hide from the heat!

If you're looking for something fun to do indoors this summer, why not see a movie? There's a wide variety of movie theatres in the city that cater to every interest and budget.
Here are a few notable options:
  • At AMC Theatres, like the one on 34th Street between 8th and 9th, all movies before noon are only $6 a ticket as part of their A.M. Cinema program.
  • If you want to get out of midtown, visit the Rose Cinemas at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (30 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn). In addition to screening first-run films, they also offer serieses, like a current flush of Cary Grant films, and Q&A sessions with the directors and casts of some of the films they show. BAM offers $7.50 matinee tickets to all films before 5pm Monday through Thursday and  before 3pm Friday through Sunday.
  • Film Forum (209 Houston St., West of 6th Ave) is a little more pricey ($12 a ticket), but they offer an ecclectic mix of independent and classic films, including some film festivals and double features.
  • The Museum of Modern Art offers film screenings daily, and student tickets are only $6.

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